Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I've become a disappointing blogger. No, my love for knitting has not at all waned. I have been juggling work and a new semester of school on top of my knitting addiction! Where to begin...

A friend of mine saw me wearing my calico scarf and asked what store it came from. When I told her that I made it, she could not believe how quickly my knitting skills have improved! What a great compliment. :)

Knitting in the round is proving to be a more difficult task than I'd originally thought. I cast on a simple sweater pattern from Knit Scene magazine using Patons Shetland Chunky in a beige/blue tweed colorway. Alas, I ended up having to frog it three times. What's more, I'm not accustomed to using circulars or checking my gauge; this only prolonged the time it took for me to make way with the pattern, only to discover hours later that I made several huge mistakes. Might I say, even though I've failed at this sweater multiple times, I've learned the beauty of knitting with wool. The experience is so much more different than when I knit with acrylic (typically Caron Simply Soft). I will cast on this sweater again, but I'm currently working on a simple k1p1 pink scarf for my mother's birthday. I think she'll like it. However, this is the last scarf I'll be working on for a long time. Scarves require much patience, and the patterns I use are mind-numbingly repetitive.

My addiction for yarn is unhealthy! A few days ago, I placed an order for oodles of skeins of yarn from WEBS. I had it figured in my head that I'd receive my order by either the end of this week or the beginning of next week. Ironically, as I was browsing through the Knitting Help forum, a decent amount of knitters posted complaints about WEBS' slow shipping. Damnit. As I try to look on the bright side, I realize that this gives me a better chance of finishing my mother's scarf before I become obsessed with my new yarn purchases and succumb to casting on another project.

Alright, back to the mundane task of k1 ... p1 ... k1 ... p1 ... and so on.

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