Friday, November 16, 2007

Tools, tools, tools.

May I get this off my chest -- I am so FRUSTRATED that there's always ONE more tool that I need in order to complete a project. I happily worked on the majority of my mini bag until I saw the end of the directions: sew the ends of the handle to the sides of the bag. The initial directions said nothing about a tapestry needle. Even though I'm a rookie, I've already read up on seaming techniques, but I cannot finish this bag until I go to the store -- again -- to purchase a tapestry needle. I should have realized that I needed it just by looking at the picture of the bag itself . . . how else would the handle be attached to it? *Sigh*. I suppose I'll flip through some pages and find a project I can work on that I can complete without having to make an emergency run to a craft store.

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